Files Hardening Salt

Files Hardening Salt


A file is a hand cutting tool made of hardened steel for metalworking. Files are the most used tool among hardware tools. Modern files are generally made from carbon steel that has been rolled, forged, annealed, ground, chopped and quenched. The file is made of t12 steel with a hardness of 62 to 64 after surface quenching.
Due to the high brittleness, the files quenched by traditional heating methods are prone to produce debris during use,which affects the service life. Using the characteristics of rapid induction heating to heat and quench the file can improve its toughness and prolong its service life. Induction hardening can ensure the hardness and wear resistance of the fire, thereby improving the performance of the file.
We have comprehensive level of Hardening Chemicals for Metal Files including blackening Salt for black colour finish of Metal Files.


BASE SALT CL and REGENERATOR (cyanide free application)

It is a specially designed salt developed for hardening high –carbon steel files and medium or low carbon steel rasps. It gives an excellent finish on the hardened work at low cost. The salt bath technique employing BASE SALT CL and REGENERATOR has distinct advantages over the alternative hardening methods. The main advantages of the process are:
a) A much better finish is produced before and after steam/sand scouring/pickling
b) BASE SALT CL properly maintained, does not have the decarburizing tendency. Slight decarburisation on the surface of the files can be removed by hardening in BASE SALT CL

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